3 Most Common Types of Hand Surgery
Trauma to the hand is very common, and it can result in anything from a simple cut to a more serious fracture. After an injury, it's essential to know how to properly care for your hand to ensure proper healing.
Various Types of Hand Injuries
There is a wide range of hand traumas, from minor cuts and scrapes to more serious injuries such as deep lacerations, burns, fractures, nerve, or tendon damage. Depending on the severity of the injury, medical interventions may be needed, such as stitches, splints, casts, medications to reduce swelling, physical therapy, or even surgery.
As far as surgery is concerned, it solely depends on the type of injury the patient has sustained. There are some methods of hand surgery that can be performed in an outpatient setting, while other methods require more complex procedures that may require hospitalization. An optimal course of treatment may include medical and surgical treatments depending on the severity of the injury.
What are the most Common hand surgeries?
You may experience numbness and pins and needles in your fingers due to carpal tunnel syndrome. In the event that symptoms persist, an MRI will be recommended to obtain an accurate diagnosis of the injury and to develop a personalized treatment plan. It is possible that surgery may be recommended for soft tissue repair, joint stability or swelling reduction. Additionally, surgical procedures can help restore movement and strength by removing damaged cartilage or bones, relocating tendons, etc.
Trigger finger is characterized by stiff fingers and/or popping/clicking sensations as the finger moves due to inflammation of the tendons. The condition is usually treated without surgery, but at times it is necessary. During this procedure, an incision is made at the base of the finger, allowing the tendon's sheath to be opened up. Which in the end, allows more movement.
Ganglion surgery is used to treat a type of cyst that forms on the wrist or finger. A cyst is caused by the accumulation of fluid and can be uncomfortable for many patients. During surgery, the cyst is removed along with any associated tissue or tendons, and the wound is then closed with sutures.
Hand trauma can be uncomfortable and disruptive, but with proper care and prompt treatment, recovery is possible. No matter what your condition is, whether you have a scrape or burn on your skin or tendons, nerves, or joints that have been damaged, you can rely on the expertise of our physicians for the best treatment. We are an expert team committed to providing safe and accurate treatments so that our patients can heal quickly with little disruption.
We encourage you to check out our website to learn more about our physicians, specialties, and more! If you would like to speak to one of our physicians about a current hand injury, click the button below to schedule an appointment!