How Do I Know If My Wrist Is Fractured?

Wrist fractures are a common injury with potentially significant consequences. Recognizing fracture signs is crucial for timely medical care, which can prevent complications and promote effective healing.

Understanding Wrist Fractures

Wrist Doctor in San Antonio

Unlike a sprain, which involves damage to ligaments, a fracture involves the actual breaking of bones. This distinction is important because fractures require different treatment approaches than sprains or strains. Falls, accidents, sports injuries, or impacts to the wrist can cause these fractures. This injury can affect individuals across the spectrum from children to the elderly.

Symptoms of a Wrist Fracture

Common symptoms of a wrist fracture include:

  1. Pain and Swelling: A fractured wrist often leads to immediate sharp or throbbing pain. In addition to swelling around the injured area, fractures are often accompanied by pain.

  2. Limited Range of Motion: A fracture can make it difficult or painful to move your wrist, especially when grasping or rotating your hand.

  3. Deformity/Misalignment: There may be an unnatural bend or twist in your wrist.

  4. Bruising & Discoloration: The injured area might exhibit bruising or discoloration which is a typical response to a fracture.

  5. Tenderness to Touch: A fractured wrist can be sensitive to touch.

  6. Difficulty Bearing Weight: Lifting objects or pushing against surfaces involving your wrist might be difficult for you.

It is important to consult a physician if you are experiencing any of these symptoms as soon as possible in order to ensure an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment, and to prevent further damage.

What Are My Treatment Options?

The treatment approach to a wrist fracture is influenced by various factors, such as:

  • The type of fracture, whether it's displaced, unstable, or open.

  • Your age, occupation, hobbies, activity level, and whether it involves your dominant hand.

  • Your overall general health.

  • The presence of any other concurrent injuries.

Common approaches include casting or splinting to immobilize the wrist, surgical interventions like open reduction and internal fixation using screws or plates for complex fractures, and more.

What Is The Recovery Process?

The recovery timeline for wrist fractures can vary based on factors like the fracture's severity, treatment method, and the patient’s age. To ensure optimal healing, it’s important to follow medical advice from your physician and work closely with your healthcare team to tailor recovery strategies to your specific needs.


If you’re experiencing any of the symptoms above, schedule an appointment with one of our hand specialists at The Hand & Upper Extremity Center in San Antonio today.

Contact us today to learn more about our services, our facilities, and how we can help create a treatment plan that enables you to heal and regain full mobility of your wrist.


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