Our blog is here to be a constant resource for all your hand and upper extremity needs.
Does Elbow Tendonitis Require Surgery?
Elbow Tendonitis can be treated with many different methods, although surgery is not always necessary. Let's learn more about this condition & its common treatment options!
How Do I Treat Tennis Elbow?
Tennis elbow (lateral epicondylitis) occurs when the tendons on the outer side of the elbow become inflamed. There are many treatment options available for Tennis Elbow, including pain relief, inflammation reduction, and tendon healing. Let's dive into this condition's common treatment options!
Understanding Hand Nerve Injuries
Are you experiencing numbness, tingling, or weakness in your hands? It could be a sign of a hand nerve injury. These injuries can impact your daily activities, hinder your productivity, and cause discomfort. To find relief and restore function to your hands, it is important to understand the causes, symptoms, and treatment options for these injuries.
Dr. Srinivasan Recognized as a 2024 Castle Connolly Top Doctor
Dr. Srinivasan was recently named a 2024 Castle Connolly Top Doctor for his distinguished career as a hand surgeon. We are very proud of Dr. Srinivasan!
What Is Shoulder Arthritis?
Shoulder arthritis is a condition that affects the shoulder joint, causing pain, stiffness, and reduction in range of motion. Understanding the types of shoulder arthritis, such as Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, and Post-Traumatic Arthritis, is essential to managing its symptoms and understanding treatment options. Now let's take a closer look at this condition!
Safety Tips For The Holidays
Fireworks can be a dangerous thing when not handled properly. Here’s more about firework safety to keep you and your family safe this holiday season!
Why Do I Have No Grip Strength in the Morning?
Having trouble maintaining optimal grip strength in the morning, or dealing with a weaker grip in general? Let’s learn what causes weakened morning grips and persistent grip issues.
What Is Thumb Arthritis?
Thumb arthritis impacts countless individuals, and understanding its signs and causes is crucial for early intervention and effective management. Let's dive into this misunderstood ailment and delve into what you need to know about thumb arthritis!
The Most Common Signs Of Arthritis In The Hand
Arthritis is a prevalent yet often misunderstood condition that affects millions of people worldwide. It's important to recognize the signs and symptoms of arthritis early on, as early intervention can make a significant difference in managing the condition. Let's explore this condition more!
3rd annual Helping Hands Casino Night
By providing education, Helping Hands Fund empowers people to help themselves. This year’s Casino Night will be Friday, February 2, 2024 at Aggie Park
Shoulder Trauma
Shoulder trauma refers to injuries to the shoulder joint or surrounding structures caused by a traumatic event such as, falls, motor vehicle accidents, sports-related incidents, work-related strain, or even physical altercations.
How Do I Know If My Wrist Is Fractured?
Wrist fractures are a common injury with potentially significant consequences. Recognizing fracture signs is crucial for timely medical care, which can prevent complications and promote effective healing.
How To Treat A Burn On Your Hand
When dealing with burns specifically on the hand, the hand should first be removed from the source of heat and kept clean. The goal of treatment is to prevent further problems with stiffness and infection. Burns are treated differently depending on their severity.
What To Do If You Have Burned Your Hand On A Pot?
Burning your hand on a hot pot is a common mishap. Although it can be painful and frightening, it’s important to know how to minimized damage and promote quick healing. If you can act quickly and take the necessary steps, burn injuries can be effectively managed.
The 2023 George E. Omer, jr. Research Symposium and Alumni Lectureship
This year we had the pleasure of hosting a distinguished Visiting Professor, Dr. Carter at Omer Day on June 22nd, 2023.
4th of July Firework Safety
Fireworks can be a dangerous thing when not handled properly. Here’s what you need to know about firework safety to keep you and your family safe this holiday!
What Is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?
Carpal tunnel syndrome is caused by excess pressure on the median nerve at the wrist. Swelling (inflammation) of the contents inside the tunnel can cause extra pressure. The term compressive neuropathy refers to nerve symptoms caused by pressure. Although the exact causes of carpal tunnel syndrome are unknown, there are a number of factors that can contribute to increased pressure or inflammation.
Can I Injure My Shoulder in Golf?
Many think that golf is a sport with near-zero injury risk. This is far from the truth - when compared to other sports, the likelihood of injury is actually much higher than you would think.
Why Do I Wake Up With Numb Hands?
Do you ever wake up in the morning and notice that your hands are feeling numb and tingly? Though it's usually not a cause for alarm, it can still cause a little worry for most people.
3 Most Common Types of Hand Surgery
Trauma to the hand is very common, and it can result in anything from a simple cut to a more serious fracture. After an injury, it's essential to know how to properly care for your hand to ensure proper healing.
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